Friday, March 31, 2023

katzenfutter with krank pappa on radio 24 march 2023


listen back to this stream or download via >>> 


michele bokanowski - tabou (metamkine/1992)
michele bokanowski - musiques de concert (sonoris/2023)
monique hendriks - kinderwens - retrospectieven (barreuh/2022)
hairsabyss - radiooo obscurah
o morto - ifrits habitent (discrepant/2023)
rauhan orkesteri - tampere biennale 2018 (artsy records/2021)
Luokkanen &Tanner - tracks from kvanillo (artsy records/2021)
tzii + rinus van alebeek - rue jean robie 51, brussels-saint gilles 13.12.2009 (night on earth/2011)

k e e p listening

Friday, March 10, 2023

katzenfutter with krank pappa on radio 10 march 2023



spencer clark - the stimulated australia (edicoes cn/2016)
valentina magaletti & laila sakini - cupo (self released/2023)
avarus - lepakkomiehessä (artsy records/2020)
haruomi hosono - n.d.e. (japan 1995)

adrian sherwood special "extreme dub from the early years of on-u sound recordings

shock absorber >>> playgroup - epic sound battles chapter one 1982
(short intro) knock the house down + grand prix >>> voice of authority - very big in america right now 1984
radial drill + love forever >>> the new age steppers -- s/t 1981
meander + frequency feast >>> missing brazilians - warzone 1984
autobiography >>> singers & players - staqgering heights 1983
crocodile's court >>> missing brazilians - warzone 1984
earthwire line + eugenic device >>>  creation rebel / new age steppers - threat to creation 1981
starship africa section 5 - creation rebel 1982 
quante jubila >>> singers & players - war of words 1981
language and mentality >>> a h c - off the beaten track 1985

keeeeeeep liiiiistening

katzenfutter with krank pappa on radio 24 feb 2023


listen back overhere >>> 


truus de groot - film soundtrack :: gallivanting (created mid 1980's/2023)

valentina  magaletti - different rooms (longform editions/2023)

how to do things with words by territorial gobbing (2023)

nijhof, von hes, chen & har$ - utrecht, 28 december 2022 (unpublic/2023)

phauss - audiodrome edit (room 40/2022)

jan van den dobbelsteen+danielle lemaire+mama baer+kommissar hjuler - JaDaMaBaPa (der schoene memorial fund - shmh - 2msterdam/2009)

idea fire company - anti-natural (swill radio/1999)

keeep listeniiiing

katzenfutter with krank pappa on dfm radio 22 nov 2024

  tracklist for 22 11 2024 on radio > archived for d/l or stream here >>